The jowl area is one of the areas where many people are most uncomfortable… No matter how much weight is lost, the fat in the neck, under the neck and jowl area does not disappear as desired, and the person’s jowl creates an appearance that is heavier than it is.
Fullness under the chin, namely the jowl, is a problem for women of all ages. The most common reason for the appearance of jowl at an early age is the accumulation of fat due to excess weight. Bone problems such as smallness in the lower jawbone and back of the jaw can cause jowl. In addition, even if the body mass index (height/weight ratio) is normal in young people, the structurally occurring fat accumulation in the under-chin area causes a visible jowl.
The type of operation is decided according to the patient’s examination results. The most important factor in determining the type of operation is the patient’s age and skin quality. Although there is no definite age limit, in young patients, if the skin sagging is not very evident, only the subcutaneous fat tissue can be removed by liposuction and the jowl can be reshaped. This is different from classical liposuction. With laser energy, fat cells are broken down more intensively, and the melted and softened fat is taken out by liposuction. Since the fats are melted in laser lipolysis, a smoother and more precise fat removal is achieved. By using the second wavelength, the skin tightening increases as the collagen tissue under the skin is also heated. Especially in young patients with jowl problems, laser liposuction is the first surgical treatment option.
In patients who only underwent laser liposuction or classical liposuction, the operation may take up to 1 hour. Local anesthesia and sedation are sufficient, general anesthesia is not needed. After the operation, problems such as tension in the neck area, pain, bruising, edema (swelling) and numbness on the skin surface may occur, albeit slightly. Edema decreases rapidly in the first 7-10 days. It is a method that requires short-term pressure dressing. The main advantage of the method is that the return to daily life is much shorter.