Prominent ear is defined as significant ear deformity, which negatively affects the individual’s life in general. It does not cause a health problem; however, it is operated due to aesthetic concerns.
Pre-operative manual examination is performed by the doctor, which includes analysis of the ear curves, depth of the earlobe, position of the earlobe and resistance of the cartilages. Detailed front and back photography define the problem accurately and the patient’s expectations are reviewed.
The operation is performed under general anaesthesia and takes a mean duration of 1 hour. In order to minimize the rates of recurrence, cartilage removal and permanent suturing techniques are combined in our clinics. The depth of the auricle is reduced, and the ear skeleton is approximated to the skull. If necessary, the earlobe is positioned backwards in the same operation. The aim of all these procedures is to provide a natural look to the ear curves and to position the ear backwards. The operative incision is hidden at the back of the ear and is invisible. At the end of the operation, a special bandage is applied around the ear.
A single night of hospital stay is sufficient. The sutures are resorbed and do not necessitate removal. The bandage is used 24 hours for the first 10 days and only at night for the following 10 days. The patients may return to their social lives on the 2nd day after the surgery using their bandages. A 4- week period is necessary for commencing sportive activities.