The volume, localization, and symmetry of the upper body, and decollate plumpness are important in the appearance of a balanced body look. Insufficient breast volume would negatively affect this appearance and would reflect onto the psychological status of the patient.

Volume and symmetry defects in the breasts may appear in different forms. One of the breasts could be smaller than the other, localizations may be different, or one of the breasts may be absent.

The most commonly accepted method in breast augmentation currently is the use of silicone prosthesis. Breast prostheses are balloon-like structures that is surrounded by a silicone coat and includes a jelly silicone. There are two common shapes namely round and drop (anatomic). The proper prosthesis shape may be decided following the examination by the doctor.


During the physical examination of the doctor, the size of the prosthesis to be used, localization (over or under the muscular layer), and the site of the incision will be decided. Prior to the operation, the lower breast curve, the axillary line, the decollate site and the border between the two breasts are marked.

Photography and review with the patient are other aspects of the pre-operative process.


The operation takes a mean duration of 1 hour and is performed under general anaesthesia.

To place the prosthesis, a 4 cm incision is made onto the lower breast curve. During the operation, a sac is formed either under or over the muscular layer and a trial balloon (sizer) is placed. The pre-operative marks are considered in these trials. Within these borders, the risk of over-sized or very small-sized breast is avoided. Following the trial, the most proper prosthesis size is chosen for the patient and installing of the permanent prosthesis is carried out.

At the end of the operation, a circular anaesthesia is performed onto the breast to minimize the post-operative pain of the patient, and a special brassiere, which may be opened from the upper side, is up on in order to support the prosthesis. One night of hospital stay is sufficient.


Patients may generally return to their social lives after 72 hours. If the prosthesis is placed under the muscular layer, movements of the arms are restricted for a further couple of days. The antibiotics and pain relievers should be used as prescribed.

No wound care is necessary for the scar on the lower breast curve. No suture removal is necessary either; they will resorb in time. The brassiere should be used for 4 weeks.

Sleeping on one side or facedown is not recommended for 3 months. You can take a shower 48 hours after discharge. Swelling may be observed in the breasts, which will resolve in weeks. Mild sportive activities are allowed 1 month after the operation. 2 months are needed to commence heavy sportive activities.


Bleeding or infection may be observed after the operation. Compression due to thickening of the capsule membrane around the prosthesis or stiffening may be observed. These compressions may lead to aesthetic deformations in the long-term.

If the contracture of the capsule is serious, aesthetic problems will arise, in addition to appearance of pain. In such a situation, the prosthesis should be removed, and the capsule tissue should be cleaned.